Paul-David Jarvis/Skills

Created Sat, 05 Aug 2023 12:12:40 +0100 Modified Thu, 07 Sep 2023 19:29:31 +0000
253 Words


I have 2-3 years of experience working with Python’s data science libraries like Matplotlib, NumPy and pandas using Jupyter Notebook. You can see more of my work on Kaggle or on my Github page.

df_name = util.tidy_split(df_combined,column='name',sep=',')
df_name = df_name[df_name['name']!='nan']

n = 10
df_name = df_name['name'].value_counts().nlargest(n)

fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_bar(x=df_name.index, y=df_name.values)

fig.update_layout(title='Name of Attacks'.format(n),
                  xaxis = dict(title='Name Of Attack'),
                  yaxis = dict(title='Total'))

I have experience writing in Bash where I implemented third-party Application Programming Interfaces (API) to search private services and retrieve the data that they have. Below is a bash script using Shodan’s API to count the number of Internet of things (IoT) devices vulnerable to a specific Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures (CVE).

while read CVEs; do #Reading the CVEs file.
  echo $CVEs #Prints the CVE ID into the console or file output
  shodan count vuln:$CVEs #Runs the command that counts the number of vulnerable devices. The "$CVEs" will be replaced with the CVE ID.
 sleep 1 #Sleeps 1 second inbetween request to counter failed searching
done < CVEs #Finishes the while loop when the CVEs file has reached the end.


Skilled academic researcher with a published academic research paper. Experience and knowledge of vulnerability metrics and frameworks. E.g. ATT&CK, CVE, CPE. I am able to use these frameworks to conduct in-depth research on cyber threats and vulnerabilities, and to develop effective countermeasures to protect against these threats. They would also be able to contribute to the development of new frameworks and techniques for analyzing and mitigating cyber threats.